Deca Durabolin , known in bodybuilding as nandrolone decanoate or Deca, is one of the most popular steroids in the world of anabolic steroids and doping . Deca- Durabolin not converted into active metabolites of androgens in target tissues.   

In the world of professional sport, especially bodybuilding, Deca- Durabolin is essential to increase the delay level of nitrogen and protein synthesis. This means that athletes using Deca Durabolin get maximum effe ct in pl ane increase physical strength, endurance, performance and muscle size. More details here

Proven fact that the use of Deca- Durabolin almost does not cause or causes a small degree, increased activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as virtually no effect on the prostate, the user can not fear Deca baldness, acne and side effects associated with the prostate gland. 

To some extent, Deca- Durabolin may be useful for improving immune function and alleviating joint problems, and Deca- Durabolin is also one of the safest drugs for a long-term course. The use of this steroid does not result in lower triglycerides, insulin sensitivity, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, Deca can effectively lower HDL cholesterol.

The ideal dosage for Deca Durabolin is 200-600 mg per week for men and 50-100 mg per week for women. Deca- durabolin is effectively used in combination with testosterone 200 mg / week , it is believed that this combination helps to avoid such unpleasant effects as sexual dysfunction, but here anti-estrogens such as bromocriptine or cabergoline must be included in the complex .  

The popularity of Deca- durabolin

  • The unusual properties of Deca are due to its active ingredient, nandrolone , also known as 19-nortestosterone. One of the main positive qualities of nandrolone is that it has a relatively low conversion rate to estrogen compared to testosterone.
  • In the olden days, testosterone and nandrolone were the only pharmaceutical injections that were both widely available to bodybuilders and relatively cheap . Antiestrogenic drugs were not yet available. For this reason, Deca has a low aromatization property and has gained wide popularity.

Deca- durabolin – effects on hair and skin

An additional benefit of Deca ( nandrolone ) is that it is relatively mild in terms of side effects on the scalp and the whole body, thanks to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. 

Deca- durabolin and joints

In addition, if athletes have joint problems, in many cases the use of Deca in the steroid cycle has a positive side effect in the form of reducing pain in injured joints during training. This is due to the fact that Deca- Durabolin , though not much, but it accumulates water, and the water, as it goes into the joints and lubricates them. Therefore, they say – Deca heals joints. Even a dose as low as 100 mg / week may be sufficient for this purpose in many cases.

Deca- durabolin and the production of your own testosterone

Unfortunately, the use of Deca- Durabolin often has an adverse side effect , which manifests itself in the reduction or suspension of endogenous testosterone after steroid course. There are also side effects that adversely affect libido and erectile function of the body, but this can only occur when the dosage is at least 200-400 mg / week. The problems are exacerbated if decadurabolin is not combined with testosterone or large doses of more androgenic compounds such as Trenbolone , Masteron or Dianabol . There is wide individual reaction to the course of Deca- Durabolin. Available as post-cycle depressive mood.

Deca- durabolin recommendations:

  • To reduce the risk of side effects in the genital area is recommended to use Deca Durabolin in combination with Winstrol .
  • The course of Deca- durabolin should last 6-8 weeks.
  • Deca- durabolin injections are effective once a week
  • The recommended dosage of Deca- durabolin is 200-400 mg / week, maximum 600 mg / week. With increasing dosage of Deca, the likelihood of side effects increases. Therefore, it is better to split the course into two small courses, with a break, than to conduct one large one. The effect will be the same, and the health risk is much less.
  • Course Deca Durabolin , without additional preparations, should be no longer than 8 weeks. In parallel with the course of Deca- Durabolin is highly desirable to carry out, starting from the second week, the course of human chorionic gonadotropin and finish it in 2 weeks after the end of steroid course.
  • On the Decadurabolin cycle, be sure to use protein supplements in the form of sports nutrition and a diet to gain muscle mass.

Combinations with Deca- Durabolin in bodybuilding:

  • Deca- durabolin and testosterone. A combination for gaining muscle mass. Deca 200-400 mg / week, testosterone 250 mg / week. Injections once a week.
  • Deca- Durabolin and Sustanon 250. Combination for mass gain . Deca- durabolin 200-400 mg / week, sustanon 250 mg / week. 
  • Deca- durabolin and methandrostenolone . An effective combination for mass gain. Deca 200-400 mg / week, methandrostenolone 10-20 mg / day. 

So, to sum up, what is useful Deca Durabolin bodybuilding:

 Pronounced significant increase in muscle mass (during the course you can gain 8 kg of muscles) with a minimum rollback after the course. 

  • Relief from joint pain 
  • Strengthening bones 
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells, which increases the transport of oxygen
  • Strengthening immunity, even used in AIDS therapy 

These are the main unique effects of Deca Durabolin.
