The art of making stained glass figures has existed for centuries and the process of creating these pieces of art has been streamlined into an intricate and sophisticated process. Even in this modern era, stain glass continues to be a desired decorative element in many homes and buildings. That is why many who desire these pieces of art seek out artists who specialize in them, but the process is not necessarily restricted to the professional artisan. Those dedicated and talented enough to put in the effort are capable of creating beautiful pieces of their own creation. Pyvovarov stained glass has its own method of creating these beautiful works of art, and we will be sharing a very general method of how these pieces are created.

List of the necessary items

Before explaining the process, we will provide a list of the common necessary items that are used.

Glass – There are many different types of glass to work with. No two are the same and deciding which material to use is one of the first steps in the creation process.

Safety Glasses – Because we are working with such dense material, any moment can lead to pieces flying. It is important to take precautions and wear protective eye-wear to avoid any serious injury.

Glass Cutter – There are two kinds of glass cutters: manual and machine. Manual glass cutters are small and can provide much more accurate cuts while machine-based cutters are large and expensive and may require an expert to operate them.

Pliers – Sometimes the cutter isn’t enough and we’ll have to take off pieces in other ways. Pliers allow you to nip off pieces in an instant when a cutter isn’t suitable.

Carborundum Stone or a Grinder – Used to smooth out the edges of the glass after cutting. You may do it manually with a carborundum stone or a grinder machine if you have access to one.

Copper foil and Soldering iron -When the pieces are ready to be merged together, they will be soldered in place. Now that we have listed the necessary material, we will now explain the process.

Design and tracing – A process that is also called “Cartooning”, an artist draws the desire patterns on a sheet of paper the size of the intended finished piece. The designs are then traced on top of the piece of glass.

Cutting – The cutter of choice is carefully navigated on the traced outlines, carefully cutting out the piece.

Smoothing – Using a stone or grinder, the edges are carefully smooth out any jagged and rough edges. Pliers are also used to remove large pieces that would take too long with the stone or grinder.

Soldering – When the pieces fit together nicely, the foil is added to the edges and are soldered together. The foil helps keep the pieces together.

Framing – An optional step but it adds a sense of completeness to the finished product.

Conclusions of decorating rooms with stained glass

The methods and tools used by many artisans vary from one person to another. The list of requirements and the process shown here aren’t exclusive either as not only are there a wide variety of tools to use but some even add extra steps of their own. Pyvovarov stained glass is no exception as our pieces use unique methods of making our creations. It is, after all, a work of art, and anything artistic will have infinite ways of adding that personal touch.
