Aside from surviving the horrors of the day, parents can’t exactly shield their children from the news, but they can help them to cope with it. One of the best ways to do this is to lean into the conversation. It’s no secret that kids tend to pick up on the big news and its minutiae. This can make dealing with it a bit more challenging.

It’s no surprise that a lot of people spend a lot of time talking about the latest harrowing news story, but there are ways to make the experience more palatable to youngsters. For example, you might want to restrict their smartphone usage after bedtime. And it’s not just the bad guys causing the gloom. Some stories, like the recent massacre at a Wisconsin elementary school, simply are too big to ignore.

As a parent, you likely have more than a few ounces of pride to protect. Luckily, you also have a handy dandy guide to help you out. To give you an idea of just how comprehensive this guide is, check out the links below. From there, you can read about the most memorable news stories of all time and the best sources of information to keep tabs on them.

What to Do when the News Scares You is a well-designed book that helps you put the horrors of the day into perspective. In addition to introducing you to the major events of the day, it also offers up a plethora of activities to engage your child in the discussion. These include a “what to do” page and a “what to think” page. There are even a few spaces in which to write or draw.

The book is chock full of information, including tips on how to select the right sources for your news fix, the latest in social media snafus, and the best apps and websites for staying informed on the latest in crime, terrorism, and national security. The best part is that you don’t have to spend the whole night reading this guide.

It’s not easy to know which of the many tips and tricks to try will work the best for your family. But you’ll certainly have a much better chance of being well-informed when you implement these tips and tricks. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get your children to see the news as you see it, which will ensure they are more comfortable dealing with it in the future. Let’s face it, scary news is inevitable. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to helping your kids to conquer the adversities of the modern world.
